

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Basic of Looping Structures

-   In certain situation in programming, statement(s) are required to be repeated for fixed number of times or till certain condition is satisfied.

-   C language provides looping structures so that we need not to write those statement(s) again and again in our program. If the

Write a program to find sum of first N odd numbers.


void main()
     int i, num, odd=0, even=0;
printf(“Enter the number:”);


Submit Assignment 1 and Practical Set 1

This is to inform you that today is last date of submission of Assignment 1 and Practical Set 1.

Today, You are not able to submit than have to suffer punishment.

Punishment : if not completed by today,
3 times assignment 1 and 5 times practical set 1 into the class book.