

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Chapter 3 - Control structure in C:

Simple statements,                              | CLICK HERE
Decision making statements,              | CLICK HERE
Looping statements,                            | CLICK HERE
Nesting of control structures,              | CLICK HERE 
break and continue ,                            | CLICK HERE
goto statement.                                   | CLICK HERE

break and continue

-In C programming language, break is used in terminating the loop immediately after it is encountered.
-The break statement is used with conditional if statement.
-Generally break statement is used in switch case statement at the end of the each and every case.


-It is sometimes desirable to skip some statements inside the loop of a program.
-At that time or situation, continue is used.


Control Structure loops in C Language

while loop                       |
do...while loop                |   CLICK HERE
for loop                           | 

Decision Making Statements

1. Simple if statement   CLICK HERE
2. if...else statement     CLICK HERE
3. switch case statement    CLICK HERE
4. ladder if else statement (multiple if...else if statement)      CLICK HERE