- C Language supports rich set of operators.
- Operators are used in doing various operations.
- The Operators can be divided into different categories.
- These Operators are:
1. Arithmetic Operators.
2. Relational Operators.
3. Logical Operators.
4. Assignment Operator.
5. Conditional Operators.
6. Increment and Decrements Operators.
7. Bit wise Operator.
8. Special Operators.
1. Arithmetic Operators.
- In C programming, Arithmetic Operators are used in performing mathematical expressions.
- The c language does not provide the operator for exponentiation.
- C language supports following Arithmetic Operators: Operator Name Meaning
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
% Modulo Division.
- The operator + and - can be used as unary operator also.
- Except % operator all Arithmetic Operators can be used with any type of numeric operands, while
% operator can only be used with integer data type only.