

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Type Casting in C Language

Type Casting
- When user needs the type conversion explicitly, then type casting is used in c programming language.
- Remember that type conversion is automatic while type casting is explicitly specified by the programmer in      program.
- Syntax:
              (type_name) expression;

- Where, type_name is the name of data type we want to convert the expression to.
- The converted value is used during evaluation of expression only.
- It does not change the basic data type of operand(s) of an expression.

- Example:

void main()
              int sum = 47;
              int number = 10;
              float average;

              average = sum/number;       
              printf("average = sum/number = %f",average);              
              average = (float)sum/number;
              printf("\n average = (float)sum/number = %f",average);

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