

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Header file in C

Header file  - -  What It Does

 alloc.h      - -  Declares memory management functions (allocation,deallocation, etc.).
 assert.h     - -  Defines the assert debugging macro.
 bcd.h        - -  Declares the C++ class bcd and the overloaded operators for bcd and bcd math functions.
 bios.h       - -  Declares various functions used in calling IBM-PC ROM BIOS routines.
 complex.h    - -  Declares the C++ complex math functions.
 conio.h      - -  Declares various functions used in calling the DOS console I/O routines.
 ctype.h      - -  Contains information used by the character classification and character conversion macros.
 dir.h        - -  Contains structures, macros, and functions for working with directories and path names.
 direct.h     - -  Defines structures, macros, and functions for working with directories and path names.
 dirent.h     - -  Declares functions and structures for POSIX directory operations.
 dos.h        - -  Defines various constants and gives declarations needed for DOS and 8086-specific calls.
 errno.h      - -  Defines constant mnemonics for the error codes.
 fcntl.h      - -  Defines symbolic constants used in connection with the library routine open.
 float.h      - -  Contains parameters for floating-point routines.
 fstream.h    - -  Declares the C++ stream classes that support file input and output.
 generic.h    - -  Contains macros for generic class declarations.
 graphics.h   - -  Declares prototypes for the graphics functions.
 io.h         - -  Contains structures and declarations for low-level input/output routines.
 iomanip.h    - -  Declares the C++ streams I/O manipulators and contains macros for creating parameterized manipulators.
 iostream.h   - -  Declares the basic C++ (version 2.0) streams (I/O) routines.
 limits.h     - -  Contains environmental parameters, information about compile-time limitations, and ranges of integral quantities.
 locale.h     - -  Declares functions that provide country- and language-specific information.
 malloc.h     - -  Memory management functions and variables.
 math.h       - -  Declares prototypes for the math functions, defines the macro HUGE_VAL, and declares the exception structure used by matherr.
 mem.h        - -  Declares the memory-manipulation functions. (Many of these are also defined in string.h.)
 memory.h     - -  Memory manipulation functions.
 new.h        - -  Access to operator new and newhandler.
 process.h    - -  Contains structures and declarations for the spawn... and exec... functions.
 search.h     - -  Declares functions for searching and sorting.
 setjmp.h     - -  Defines a type used by longjmp and setjmp.
 share.h      - -  Defines parameters used in functions that use file-sharing.
 signal.h     - -  Defines constants and declarations for signal and raise.
 stdarg.h     - -  Defines macros used for reading the argument list in functions declared to accept a variable number of arguments.
 stddef.h     - -  Defines several common data types and macros.
 stdio.h      - -  Defines types and macros needed for the Standard I/O Package defined in Kernighan and Ritchie and extended under UNIX System V. Defines the standard I/O predefined streams stdin, stdout, stdprn, and stderr, and declares stream-level I/O routines.
 stdiostr.h   - -  Declares the C++ (version 2.0) stream classes for use with stdio FILE structures.
 stdlib.h     - -  Declares several commonly used routines: conversion routines, search/sort routines, and other miscellany.
 stream.h     - -  Declares the C++ (version 1.2) streams (I/O) routines.
 string.h     - -  Declares several string- and memory-manipulation routines.
 strstrea.h   - -  Declares the C++ stream classes for use with byte arrays in memory.
 sys\locking.h- -  Definitions for mode parameter of locking function.
 sys\stat.h   - -  Defines symbolic constants used for opening and creating files.
 sys\timeb.h  - -  Declares the function ftime and the structure timeb that ftime returns.
 sys\types.h  - -  Declares the type time_t used with time functions.
 time.h       - -  Defines a structure filled in by the time-conversion routines, and a type used by other time routines; also provides prototypes for these routines.
 utime.h      - -  Declares the functions utime and the structure utimbuf
 values.h     - -  Defines important constants, including machine dependencies; provided for UNIX System V compatibility.
 varargs.h    - - Defines old style marcos for processing variable argumnet lists.  Superceded by stdarg.h

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