

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Q – 1: Justify “C is Middle Level Language”.
Q – 2:Give the difference between:
a.        Compiler and Interpreter.
b.        Application software and system software.
c.        Call by value and call by reference.
Q – 3:What is an algorithm? Write an algorithm to display sum of n numbers.
Q – 4:What is flowchart? Explain various symbols used in Flowchart and draw the flowchart for
      finding smallest number out of three given numbers.
Q – 5: Explain various data types of C language.
Q – 6:Explain various operators used in C language.
Q – 7:Explain while…loop and do…while loop giving their syntax.
Q – 8:Explain if…else with suitable example.
Q – 9:What is recursion? Explain it with suitable example.
Q – 10:Explain switch…case statement with example.
Q – 11:What is an array? Explain one dimensional array with example.
Q – 12:Explain pointer.
Q – 13:What is string? Explain following with suitable example:
Q – 14:What is function? Explain types of function.
Q – 15:What is structure? Give an example.
Q – 16:Explain: file operation in C.
Q – 17:Write a program to generate Fibonacci series of numbers:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, …..etc.
Q – 18:Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not.
Q – 19:Write a program to display following pattern using nested for loops.
 1                        *                    1   
 12                      **                  22
 123                    ***                 333
 1234                  ****               4444    
 12345                *****              55555

Q – 20:Write a program to find out factorial of given number.

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