

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Thursday, March 12, 2015

go to statement in c programming language.

- In c programming language, if statement, if...else statement, switch statements provides conditional jumps.
- A goto statement in C programming language provides an unconditional jump from the goto to a labeled statement in the same function.
- Use of goto statement is highly discouraged in c programming language.
- Because it makes difficult to trace the control flow of a program making the program hard to understand and debug.

- Syntax:
goto label;
label: statement;



void main()

  int number = 10;

          if( number == 15)
         number = number + 1;
         goto A;
      printf("\n value of number is: %d",number);
   }while( number < 20 );


value of number is:11
value of number is:12
value of number is:13
value of number is:14
value of number is:15
value of number is:16
value of number is:17
value of number is:18
value of number is:19

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