

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Thursday, October 16, 2014


- Array is a collection of variables of same type known by a one name.
- The individual elements of an array are referred by their index or subscript value.

- Arrays can be divided into two categories.  
     1. One Dimensional Array
     2. Multi Dimensional Array

  1. One Dimensional Array

  - The syntax for declaring a one dimensional array is:

   DataType ArrayName[Size];

  - Here, DataType defines the type of array elements. It can be     int, char, long int etc.

  - ArrayName is the name of a variable which represents the         array.

  - Size represents the size of array which is represented within     [] symbols.

For Example:
int a[10];

here, int is DataType, a is the name of an array and 10 is the size of an array.It defines 10 integer values, all known by variable name a.

In c language, array index or subscript starts from 0. So, for above example, we have 10 different integer variables as a[0], a[1]…a[9], where a[0] is the first element and a[9] is the last element of array.

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