

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Friday, October 17, 2014

Important Questions for Mid-Sem Exam - 2014

1. What is software? explain types of software.
2. What is algortihm? Give an example.
3. What is computer? Draw the block diagram for computer system and explain input and output devices.
4. Write a short note on operators in details.

5. Explain if...else statement with example.
6. Explain ladder if...else statement with example.
7. Explain switch case with example.
8. Explain for loop with example.
9. Give the difference:
     i. compiler and interpreter
     ii. while loop and do ...while loop
10. Explain various data types.
11. Draw flow chart for following:
     i. to find out largest number among three numbers.
     ii. to find out the given number is odd or even.
     iii. to print fibonacci series.

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