

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pointers and Structures

For representing complex data structures, we can use structures and pointers together.

Pointer can be a member of structure, or a pointer to a structure, or an array of pointers to structure.

We can declare a pointer to structure as we do for pointers to basic data types.

Structure Syntax:
            struct structure_name
                        datatype-1 variable-1;
                        datatype-2 variable-2;
                        datatype-n variable-n;
            }struct_variable, ponter-to-struct_variable;

Here, struct is a keyword which is used to define a structure template.
struct name is a name of the structure. It is user defined name.
The members of the structure are written in curly { } braces.
The structure is terminated by semicolon (;).

Structure to Pointer Example:
            struct student
                        int rollno;
                        char name[50];
                        char branch[20];
                        float per;
            }s1, *sptr;

sptr = &s1;

Now, sptr points to s1 and can be used to access member variable of struct student.

To access member variables using pointer to structure, we have to use an arrow -> operator.
            struct_pointer -> member_variable;
Here, struct_pointer is a pointer to structure, and member_variable is the name of member variable.

            s1 -> rollno = 20;

We can also use dot (.) operator to access member variable with pointer to structure like:
            (*s1).rollno = 20;

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