

Jasper Roberts - Blog

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Structure is a collection of logically related data items of different data types grouped together and known by a single name.
Structure is similar to records in DBMS.
As record consists of fields, the data items of a structure are called as its members.
            struct structure_name
                        datatype-1 variable-1;
                        datatype-2 variable-2;
                        datatype-n variable-n;

Here, struct is a keyword which is used to define a structure template.
struct name is a name of the structure. It is user defined name.
The members of the structure are4 written in curly { } braces.
The structure is terminated by semicolon (;).

            struct student
                        int rollno;
                        char name[50];
                        char branch[20];
                        float per;

Accessing the structure members:

We can access the individual members of a structure using the dot (.) operator.
The dot (.) operator is called as structure member operator because it connects the structure variable and its member’s variable.

Where, struct_var is a variable of structure type, while struct_member is a name of a member variable of structure.
            struct student s1;
            s1.rollno = 1;

Structure Example:

A C Program to input and print following details of student using structure. (roll number, name, address, city, age, per)


struct student
            int rn;
            char name[20];
            char address[50];
            char city[30];
            int age;
            float per;

void main()
            struct student s;
            printf(“Enter the roll number:”);
            printf(“\n Enter the name:”);
            printf(“\n Enter the address:”);
            printf(“\n Enter the city”);
printf(“\n Enter the age:”);
printf(“\n Enter the percentage:”);
            scanf(“%f”, &s.per);

            printf(“\n Roll-Number\t Name\t Address\t City\t Age\t Percentage”);
            printf(“\n %d\t %s \t %s \t %s \t %d \t %f”);


Enter the roll number: 28
Enter the name: John
Enter the address: Church Road
Enter the city: Miami
Enter the age: 24
Enter the percentage: 88.00

Roll-Number               Name               Address           City                 Age Percentage

28                                John                 Church Road   Miami 24        88.00

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